The Full Story
Born in 2020, Vinyl & Brush embarked on a profound mission to forge a transformative path, empowering storytellers from every corner of the world, amplifying the voices of those who have long yearned to be heard. A minority-owned company, V&B brings an inherit style that can't be quantified. ​
The mission of Vinyl & Brush is to empower unique storytellers. Whether this is in premise, execution, or culture V&B is committed to envisioning a world that embraces what can be.
At the helm of our passion is a visionary team, that pours their souls into crafting work that transcends and excites. Our commitment to excellence is primary, as we strive to create captivating works that mirrors the kaleidoscope of human experiences. ​
Current Projects:
The Worst Parts (Season 1 Premiere: Aug 2024)
Rhythm of a Payday (Preproduction)
Lightning Up (Preproduction)
All projects available to stream on Vinyl & Brush are independently owned and it is policy to keep in house works copyright lifted. Meaning you can livestream, YouTube, and Podcast about our content without fear of copyright strikes.
Dante Rose
Dante has always been a daydreamer and storyteller, his childhood is a mass of stories of a weird child who did strange and adventurous things.
For much of his adult life Dante has worked diligently as a traveling actor and dancer; struggling ,as most do to make a living, working for other artists visions. When a life threatening brain tumor threatened to take all that away, Dante decided then that he didn't want to waste another moment not creating from his own soul. He founded Vinyl & Brush and began working diligently on every project he had dreamed up or written down over the years.
After a successful brain surgery, Dante set out with a renewed fervor and clear conviction. He hopes that you reading will enjoy some of the work done by all the amazing souls we have the utmost joy and honor to work with here at Vinyl & Brush.